Friday, October 24, 2008

the time of data interoperability is comming

The Web technologies change incredibily fast and i'm happy about this fact. We are getting a step closer to the idea of Web 4 - one sense, more interpretations.

In our paper "Getting to "Know" People on the Web 2.0" Yiwey Cao, Anna Glukhova, Ralf Klamma and I highlighted the problem of Web2.0 data interoperability and solutions of the issue.

A feed is one of not numerous Web uniform format. Now with Calais Yahoo! Pipes Web Service it is possible to combine feeds that are filtered by concepts defined in Open Calais repository. These are famous persons, companies, general concepts and many others. The number of concepts in repository has been multiplied since the start of the Open Calais project.

So now it is easier to collect the news you want to know about. Open Calais and Yahoo sort it for you. Things, that miss, are impact and attitude. You've never know how highly the feed is ranked and what do authors think about the topic. In our chair we are dealing with these flaws and hopefully will have interesting results to report.


Atez said...

Hi Zina,
nice to know that you have a blog.

Zinayida Kensche said...


Nice to see you between bloggers!