Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Cultural dimensions of Hofstede

I'm working on one paper devoted to cultural differences in Web and find cultural dimensions of Hofstede extremely important for those who are looking for cultural differences. Here i'm sharing my findings. 

"The great work of Hofstede proposes cultural dimensions of people working at IBM in over 50 countries (Hofstede, 1991). He identified 5 dimensions of differences between national cultures: power distance, collectivism versus individualism, femininity versus masculinity, uncertainty avoidance, long-term orientation. Following we are going to explain these dimensions.
The acceptability and expectance of the power of members within society institutions like family, school and a community at work shows the power distance of the society. This dimension is about respect according to the distance between people in different levels of hierarchy.
Everyone is responsible for herself in individualistic culture while groups are responsible for their members in collectivistic culture. In other words, individualism describes the situation when a person thinks firstly about his interests as long as collectivism describes the situation when a person thinks firstly about group interests.
Masculinity and femininity refer to social gender roles. Either the roles are clearly distinct, i.e. “men are focused on material success, whereas women are concerned with the quality of life” – masculinity is higher. Or the roles overlap, i.e. both women and men take care about life quality and material success.
The attitude to the uncertainty is reflected in uncertainty avoidance (UA) dimension. Representatives of some cultures react negatively to uncertainty and need clear idea about what is going to happen. These cultures have a high level of UA dimension.
Long-term vs. short-term orientation in life explains cultural differences in spending and saving money and accepting quick results. People with long-term orientation of life (LTOL) use to save more money and adopt themselves to the modern context while people with short-term orientation use to overspend but respect traditions without any or with minor adaptations. Moreover, in the first case results should be immediate while in the second case it is very preferable." 

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